Saturday, December 20, 2008


Towards the subject…(SAD-System Analysis and Design)

I thought the subject was boring (first impression… but doesn’t really meant it..), but it turns out to be the other way around (maybe because of the instructor..hehehe). There is more it than I had imagined. Looks like I’ll be in superb action for the next three (3) months.

Towards the Instructor…(Dr. Randy S. Gamboa)

I always knew that sir Gamboa makes things complicated (that thought is based on the students who had been under his supervision). But guess what I discovered, NO!! his not complicated at all, students (which includes me) just makes themselves too simple, considering that we are enrolled in a technical course. When he started his words of wisdom (sermon…) last Thursday, I think he hit my mark (bulls’ eye!!!), which left me thinking since last Thursday. I think we are privileged to have one of the best professors not just in town but I think in the whole country as well to be our subject instructor. He is frank, full of sense and full of authority especially when he starts talking. I think I need to work harder to pass his standards. To be honest, I am sure scared (not that he looks scary or horrible…hehehe) and challenged by him. I cant afford to fail his subject because it would cause me my education and I don’t want that to happen. I think I need a little prayer and good luck and a lot of hard work (hahaha!!!). GOOD LUCK TO ME…

Towards my classmates…

To the CS (computer science) people, I’ve been with them for the last two years because my real classmates already shifted and transferred to other schools. Actually there are only five (5…out of 40 original CS-day students) of us left, unfortunately the other four (4) students failed some subject/s that is why I am quite ahead of them which lead me to be with the “suppose to be 4th year CS students”(but are still 3rd year..). I really enjoy their company and really appreciate them so much for welcoming me to their circle of friends. But in this subject we are mixed with the IT (information technology) people.

My IT classmates are noisy, funny and very energetic and I really like them for that. One thing that I hated is that you can still feel that there is a thick wall between the IT and CS people even though we are in the same room. IT and CS people look like they are living in two different worlds. I don’t know why, but I love to see these two groups compliment each other.

There’s this one incident that happened at NODAL when Ms. Fai Alim asked “Close ba ang CS ug IT? (are CS and IT students close?),” nobody answered except for me and I proudly said “YES.” Both groups were shocked, looks like they are against my answer and its quite depressing and disappointing at the same time, I really hope these two (2) groups do get along together. I hope its too soon…hehehe

1 comment:

  1. hmm.. it's really frustrating isn't it? to see a barrier between the two..

    why dont you start a campaign for a united IC students.. hehehe.. i'll support you.. if u like.. heheheheheh

    i think the very reason why we feel such awkwardness towards each other is because we are not quite acquainted yet with each other.. ( i think its normal)..

    very soon i hope.. we will fell a clearer environment..

    AJA CS ug IT!!!!!!!
