Friday, January 30, 2009

Activity Diagram

Use Case Name: Enrollment System
Scenario: Enrollment Process for Scholars/Non-Scholars studenst in USeP
Brief Description:
Students pays for local fees to the treasurers,(if scholar)OSS officer validates the schoalrship card, adviser evaluates subjects taken, encoder encodes PRF, Non-scholar students pay for tuition and misc fee to the cashier, registrar verifies and checks COR, receipt and clearance and librarian validates the lib card
Actors: Student, Treasurer,OSS Officer, Adviser, Encoder, Cashier, Registrar and Librarian
Preconditions: Student must exist.
Clearance, receipts, payment, library card must exist.
Postconditions: Student's record must be updated.
Receipts must be released.
COR must be verified.
Library card must be validated.

Flow of Activities:

1. The student/enrollee pays the local council fee, headlight fee and OSCS fee.
2. The treasurer receives the payment from the student and issues a receipt.
3. The syudents (if scholar) validates his/her schoalrship card.
3. The student approaches his/her adviser for the evaluation of his/her subjects.
4. The adviser checks and evaluates the subjects taken and previous grades acquired and release a pre-registration form (prf).
5. The student fills up the prf and goes back to the adviser for signature.
6. The student goes to the encoder for prf encoding.
7. The encoder encodes the subjects taken and assessments.
8. The students (if not scholar) pays to the cashier.
9. The cashier receives the payment and release a receipt.
10. The student proceeds to the registrar for verification of the enrollment.
11. The registrar checks and verifies the COR, receipts and clearance.
12. The student proceeds to the librarian for validation of lib card.
13. The librarian validates the library card.

Exception Conditions:

1. If student has not completed the clearance, student must finish filling up the clearance.
2. If student has exceed the maximum subject failures, student must shift another college or university.

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